Fanta Grape Asian 500 Ml
Fanta Grape 500ml is a popular carbonated beverage in China, known for its vibrant purple color and refreshing grape flavor. This drink offers a sweet and tangy taste that appeals to both children and adults. Made with high-quality ingredients, Fanta Grape provides a burst of fruity goodness with every sip. Its convenient 500ml packaging makes it ideal for on-the-go consumption, whether you're enjoying it during a picnic, a movie night, or simply quenching your thirst on a hot summer day. Fanta Grape has become a beloved choice among beverage enthusiasts in China, offering a delightful and effervescent experience.
Ingredients: High Fructose Corn Syrup, Grape Juice, Grape Extract, Carbonic Acid (E290), Flavoring, Acidulant, Coloring [Caramel (E150a), Anthocyanin (E163)], Preservative [Sodium Benzoate (E211)], Sweetener [Stevia (E960)], Vitamin B6.
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